Dr. Karen D. Kendall

Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology
Certified Athletic Therapist, Canadian Athletic Therapist Association
Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Exercise & Sports Science Australia


I Am a Clinician, an Educator, a Mentor, a Researcher, and a Forever Learner....



John Dewey, a turn of the century American philosopher, psychologist, and educator once wrote, ‘We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience’. Thus, the purpose for me in creating this website is not only to collect artifacts that represent my teaching and learning journey, but also provides a platform that will be used to support a reflective practice and assist in my own learning and personal advancement.



My teaching philosophy continually grows and changes within the context of the subject matter that I teach, the types of learners I encounter, the environments in which learning occurs, and the technologies that evolve to support me. Regularly reflecting upon my experiences in teaching and learning allows me to have a better understanding of the successes I have had as well as find new methods and approaches to best facilitate learning within the environments I teach.

Dr. Karen D. Kendall based in Calgary, Exercise Physiologist and Athletic Therapist.

My years of formal university education lead me through subject-centred and task orientated learning primarily in the fields of exercise science and applied exercise physiology. When graduate studies lead to opportunities in post-secondary teaching, I was void of any teaching experience and relied upon my previous experiences as an undergraduate student to manage my new ‘teaching’ role. Reflecting first upon my own experiences as a learner has resulted in the realization of the extent that previous learning experience shapes the educators that we become. I have been able to identify the ‘types’ of teaching that I relied on. Through the teaching and learning experiences I have since collected, I now have a better understanding of the successes I have had as well as realize the limitations that certain methods create. Gaining further knowledge in teaching and learning practices and participating in the scholarship of teaching and learning has allowed me the tools to develop a more informed philosophy.

My academic qualifications and professional practice background have afforded me the knowledge and skills to make significant contributions to teaching and learning in the fields of kinesiology, exercise physiology, and athletic therapy. Although not exclusively, the programs within which I have taught all have a significant focus on preparing Graduates for professional certifications and careers in the allied health field. Kinesiologists and Exercise Physiologists are allied health practitioners that have the knowledge and specific skills necessary to make a positive impact on the overall health of the population. These practitioners can assist in reducing the impact of chronic disease on the health care system by supporting individuals to maintain a healthy active lifestyle, preserve independence, and better manage the effects of chronic disease via evidence-informed exercise and physical activity programming. Students pursuing a degree leading to professional certifications require the ability to apply the essential foundational knowledge of their field as well as demonstrate specific skill-based and task orientated competencies across multiple settings. Students need to confidently enter the workplace with at minimum, the entry-level knowledge and skills that meet the professional practice requirements and must work at a level of competence that is safe. I feel that the best way to support Students to successfully meet these outcomes is through experiential learning and mentorship. I believe that when students are given the opportunity to learn new skills, apply their knowledge within real-world contexts, and work alongside experts in their field, they thrive. Experiential learning through innovative course projects, internships, and practicum placement provide the environments needed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, to consolidate knowledge and practical skill, and develop interpersonal proficiencies.

Table: Personal teaching aims and beliefs surrounding the roles of Teacher and Learner.

During my time as a post-secondary educator, I have developed beliefs regarding the role of the teacher and have established ongoing aims for my teaching. These beliefs and aims, as well as the expectations I hold regarding the roles of the learner, are best summarized in the table presented on the next page. I feel that my focus on accomplishing these aims has resulted in significant enjoyment of my teaching and has led to the success of my students.

Creating authentic experiential learning takes a great deal of effort and resources on behalf of the program and also requires tremendous support of the Faculty and the community. In addition, the assessment of Student competence in clinical decision making and practical skill requires significant planning in order to make it effective and meaningful for the Student. Recognizing these challenges and finding innovative ways to overcome them has become my passion within the teaching and learning environment and is my major area of interest for future scholarly projects. I will focus on methods to enhance student competence in practical skills and find ways to authentically evaluate this. In addition, I aim to find ways to embed research regularly into my teaching practice with the end goal of keeping my teaching practice focused, intentional, and relevant to the students. Finally, I plan to further my knowledge of the blended learning approach and to use technology in ways to make learning more accessible to all types of learners.

In closing, I believe that a teaching philosophy is living document that has roots in our previous experiences but grows and changes over time. Taking the time to regularly reflect upon my teaching and supervision experiences and collecting Student feedback has given me a better understanding of the successes I have had. I believe that reflection serves to provide ideas for personal development, how I can better the quality of the learning outcomes, and optimize the Student experience. Through these efforts, I strive to create a reputation for being a knowledgeable and experienced educator. My intent is that Students will always perceive me as a fair and honest, and describe me as an innovative and inspiring educator.