Professional Development
Teaching Online Program (TOP), Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary (2019)
The Teaching Online Program (TOP) is an immersive online program for instructors who want to enhance their online teaching and learning skills. Spanning six weeks, the program is designed to offer a theoretical, practical, and personalized experience.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Conceptualize and contemplate online learning in your own context
Engage in a variety of discussions to analyze, integrate, and apply online strategies
Design an online learning activity using authentic learning design elements
Create an online learning activity that supports your course learning outcomes
To meet the learning objectives of this program I created an online learning activity for the course KNES 479 Advanced Fitness Appraisal & Exercise Prescription. The online learning activity was designed to introduce students to the updated Canadian Food Guide that was published in early January 2019.
Students reviewed online resources such as the Health Canada website, and CBC news health reports to gain knowledge of the new Canadian recommendations for dietary practices. Students were asked to complete a self-quiz, participate in discussion boards, and complete a reflection (DEEP model) as part of this learning activity.
Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Queensland University of Technology, QUT Teaching and Learning Unit (2015)
The two-year part-time graduate certificate aims to provide an integrative framework for the development of knowledge and skills in the key areas of learning and teaching, research, and career planning.
In the first year of the program, there was a one-day per month required commitment to attend the full-day workshop/seminars/presentations. Four units of work were required to be completed prior to the successful completion of the program. The works completed for each unit were integrated with our day to day academic practice. A description of the units can be found below. I completed this Certificate within the first two years of being appointed as a Lecturer at QUT.
IZN001: Principles and Practices of University Learning and Teaching
This unit addresses the key determinants of effective student learning and practical aspects of teaching for learning. It provides a variety of opportunities to examine teaching practices and implement targeted improvements to enhance student learning.
IZN002: Curriculum Design and Assessment in Contemporary Learning Environments
Drawing on QUT’s developmental, whole of course approach this unit provides opportunities to apply principles and strategies for effective course design, assessment, and feedback to the design of your own courses and units, exploring innovative approaches to enhance student learning across early, midpoint and capstone curriculum periods.
IZN003: Research, and Career Planning and Development
This unit will extend and enhance your strategic engagement with the broader University environment and prepare you for career success across research, teaching, and service. You will develop and utilize the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to contribute to the creation of new knowledge for the advancement of your discipline and to enhance your academic career planning and development.
IZN004: Scholarly Learning and Teaching Project
Through a guided and supported process of inquiry and reflection, you will undertake a quality improvement project developing skills and strategies to initiate and effect improvements in your teaching and in student learning.
IZN001: A reflective approach to the review of my teaching practice was used to help inform changes to the design, delivery, and assessment of the XNB 381 (Neurological, Psychological, and Musculoskeletal Disorders) unit.
Self-review, student feedback, and peer-review data were used to support these changes. A review of the literature in the area of effective curriculum design and a consideration of the whole-course framework allowed for the inclusion of learning opportunities that met the learning objectives in a way that supported active learning and student engagement. Click here to view my work!
IZN002: My work as a member of the curriculum review committee supported the completion of this unit.
The consideration of a whole course design with emphasis on constructively aligned units and the mapping of knowledge skills and attributes of the ESSA Professional Accreditation were required as part of the application for re-accreditation of the XN 54 course. This review also helped to inform changes to the design, delivery, and content of the XNB 381 unit within the XN54 course. My active participation in this committee helped me to develop confidence in curriculum evaluation, the designing of constructively aligned units in line with professional standards, and the ability to apply principles to facilitate real-world learning. Click here to view my work!
IZN003: A reflection on my current performance, previous accomplishments, and future goals in teaching, research, and service roles within my School helped to inform an updated strategic approach to my career plan.
I prepared an academic career enhancement plan with consideration of the broader University environment including the strategic direction of my School and in accordance with the QUT Blueprint. Click here to view my work!
IZN004: A self-directed project-based approach was used to help inform a significant change to the assessment of clinical skills as part of the learning outcomes of the XNB 381 unit.
This collection of work is based upon contributions as unit coordinator of the XNB 381 from 2014 - 2015. Click here to view my work!
Designing Online and Blended Learning (DOABle) Course, QUT Teaching and Learning (2015)
The DOABLe professional learning suite provides a range of learning opportunities aimed at building the skills required to facilitate online learning and flipped learning into the unit design.
Go Soap Box Workshop, QUT Information Technology Unit (2015)
Go Soap Box is a web-based response system that enables an active learning approach. Students use their mobile devices to participate online in lectures before, during, or after class using tools such as polls, quizzes, and discussion boards.
Advanced Blackboard Course, QUT Information Technology Unit (2013)
This session covers how to set up a question pool, Blackboard test, and Blackboard assignment . It will also cover how Turnitin connects with the Blackboard Grade Centre.
Introduction to Blackboard Course, QUT Information Technology Unit (2013)
An introduction to the tools that add and manage basic content while considering principles of good learning design.